"Hi there and thanks a lot for visiting my blog. DFTBA!"


200 Followers :D

Hi there,

OMIGOSH It's so amazing. I just danced for a coupla minutes, which is really strange, since it's incredibly hot in the Netherlands.

I'VE GOT 200 FOLLOWERS!!!! *does the happy dance*

I would love to do a giveaway, but I can't, which absolutely sucks.
I just wanted to thank you a lot for following me and being awesome. 

200 followers is a massive milestone for me. I never thought I would reach it. And then just suddenly the number next to followers was over 200. And I was amazed. *I still am*

For the last couple of days I haven't been blogging much. It's the last weeks of school, and everything is so busy and I just can't blog and read and do my homework *yeah, I'm a geek, problems?*

I want to share a virtual hug with all of you. 

Thanks a lot, keep up that awesomeness! :)

xo Mar


Natalia Belikov said...

kyaa!! congratulations! now Im follower 202! woohooo! thnx for stopping by! THanks ot it I discovered you blog =D!! keep on blogging sweetheart! <3 yay!

Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

Congratulations, my dear!! :) Here's to many more. xxx

bookworm105 said...

Crongats! =D

Mar said...

thanks for all the lovely comments :) Really, they are just enormous confidence boosts to me.

xo Mar