book: Clockwork Prince
written by: Cassandra Clare (<3)
genre: fantasty, young-adult, paranormal romance
pages (my version) 478 :D
release date: 12/6/2011
own / borrow / library ?
series: yes, the infernal devices (TID) #2
publilsher: Simon and Shuster
note: I read this book as soon as I could get hold of it. My parents did not let me buy it, because I already bought lots of books this month (stupid people...) I have been wanting to read this book since I finished Clockwork Angel (TID #1) and I am surely NOT disappointed!!
the book:
Where part one ends, this book starts. The same people, same things they do, same villains and the same everything. Tessa and the other people at the institute have to find Mortmain, the villain of book one. If they don't, Benedict Lightwood will take over the institute. They start looking for him, but are clueless, how on earth can they find him?! There still is Tessa, who is madly in love with Will, but thinks he hates her. That is because Will told her so. But actually Will is in love with her. He loves her more than she loves him. But he cannot tell her, because if he did so, she would die. That is because of a curse that was put on him when he was twelve years old. Will is looking for the demon together with the warlock of London, Magnus Bane. And of course there also still is Jem. He is still dying because of his addiction, and is still in love with Tessa, too. He is having a hard time holding on to life. What will this result in...?
my opinion:
Everyone; and by that I mean EVERYONE, should read this book! here are some of the reasons:
1) the characters; There are 3 main characters: Tessa, James (Jem) and William (Will). Tessa is this very polite English-like girl. She is the perfect one. Then there is Jem, who is an addict. He is dying, and everything he has gone through is horrible. He does not have lots of time left to live. And, last but defenitely not least there is Will. He is the ultimate bad boy, because he wants people to hate him. But in this book you get to know the soft side of him. (DSBS!) And you will surely fall in love with him!
2) the time; This book takes place in the victorian time. This time is very fascinating to most people. It was the time of beautiful dresses, masquerades and true gentlemen. It is the dream of most girls to live in this time. It seems so very perfect and romantic, like Pride and Predjudice.
3) the shadowhunters; Who does not want to read a shadowhunter book?! The shadowhunters have a dangerous but very exiting life. They have this very cool 'religion' with the angel. Also, I love the shadowhunter soceity. How they life like normal people, but actually are demon killers
4) the demons; I love demons. I want to create my own, as a pet! And who doesn't? Seriously, I keep on looking at the descriptions of the demons. I even have tried do draw them. (but all of my drawings are failed attempts which will never be showed to anyone... I suck at drawing...)
5) the love triangle; I am most surely not a fan of love triangles. But this one is just perfect. Cassandra Clare made me love Will in part one, so yes, I am team Will. But she really made me love Jem, too, in part two. It feels like I am inside the love triangle myself, and that is what's so good about this book! You feel so alike to the characters and their thougts. You can almost touch the shadowhunter world... love it!
I could think of hundreds of more points to add to this list, but I think there is only one important thing I want to say:
Go read this book now!
This was my favourite book of 2011! And I have read lots of books this year...
So that's why my rating is:
5/5 (omigod Mar, what a surprise...)
If you could read only one book in 2012, it should be this one
xoxo Mar
Ugh! I have this on my bookshelves waiting to be read and now I want to read it even more! Great it's all about getting through these other books so I can get to this one :)
Read it now!! Leave all your other books behind. You will surely not regret doing that. Anx you will have finished reading in 1 or 2 days, since it is a great pageturner! Thanks for liking my review :-)
I am so excited for this book!
My sentiments are exactly the same. I reviewed this over on my own blog just a couple days ago, and yes, it really IS that good, isn't it?
It really is. I already know I'm gonna re-read this over a few times next year! And I hardly ever re-read books, I only read them in other languages...
Everything is this novel is intricately sewn together and each element depends on all the others ~ the plot or story-line is no exception. The Magister’s vendetta is the trigger that brings it all together. It creates the *domino effect,* and without the evil he presents, our story and everything in it would cease to exist.
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